India’s largest private telecom player – Bharti Airtel is all set for a new brand identity. The company plans to unveil an all new refreshing new logo next week. The new logo has striking similarities with that of Zain Telecom of Africa which Bharti Airtel recently acquired.
The company also plans to change the design of it’s recharge vouchers and other brand, publicity materials. Here is a design concept of the new Airtel recharge voucher cards:
The logo may have multiple reactions from consumers. Earlier, the airtel logo was just the text Airtel writen in a Red-White background but the current one has a proper logo design with the text airtel written in a nice font. So if Airtel, just plans to use the image and not the text at places then it might be a bit difficult for people to figure it out.
However, Bharti will be spending over Rs. 300 Crores globally to change Airtel’s brand identity and create an awareness about the new logo among it’s customers. The new brand identity will be unveiled all across India, Africa, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Seychelles.
via TelecomTalk
i think their previous logo was much better